Digging has begun at Kerrier Way in Camborne - and the town’s mayor Councillor James Ball had a shovel on hand to officially launch the start of work.

One of 11 Camborne Town Deal projects designed to regenerate and improve the area, Kerrier Way is located on one of the main approaches to the town centre.

Currently post-industrial scrubland, the site is being landscaped and remediated to create a community green space.

The transformation will include construction of a low, informal grass amphitheatre, a central seating area and benches.

It will include planting and an informal grass amphitheatre (Image: Mei Loci)

Cornish hedging, a large canopy of trees and specially selected shrubs will be planted, and bespoke artwork commissioned to reflect Camborne’s heritage.

Kerrier Way is one of three Camborne Town Deal projects to be led by Camborne Town Council.

The others are redeveloping the Basset Centre and White House to create a new, multi-faceted community hub, and transforming Park Road Playing Fields into a play, sport and leisure amenity now known as Park Gerry.

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“This is a very proud moment for Camborne, and I’d like to thank people for their input into the consultations that have taken place to get us to this point,” said Councillor James Ball.

“We believe it will make a real difference to visitors’ perceptions of the town as they drive in, as well as being a lush and verdant space for locals to enjoy.”

David Garwood (Head of Strategic Development Camborne Town Council), Danny Green (KHC Contracts Manager), Cllr James Ball (Mayor) and Cllr John Cosgrove (Vice Chair of Camborne Town Deal board). (Image: Camborne Town Deal)

Work is expected to be completed in spring 2025 and Camborne Town Council will shortly be running a competition to find a new name for the area that’s in keeping with its new role and character.

“Getting spades in the ground is always an important milestone and it’s great to see our contractors, locally based KHC Groundworks and Civil Engineering, on site to start the transformation,” said Cllr John Cosgrove, Vice-Chair of the Camborne Town Deal board.

“Now we’re looking forward to seeing it finished – probably around March next year.”

For more information, visit www.camborne-tc.gov.uk and www.cambornetowndeal.com