The crew of The Lizard lifeboat were at sea for 13 hours after going to the aid of a yacht which had lost its steering.

Falmouth Coastguards sent the Lizard Lifeboat station’s Tamar class all-weather lifeboat Rose at 10:30am on July 15 to a yacht 40m south-west of the Lizard which had lost its steering.

The lifeboat was launched by the coastguard in order to assess the situation and HH

The crew put a line aboard and started to return the yacht to the nearest safe haven - Newlyn Harbour.

The yacht under towThe yacht under tow (Image: Penlee Lifeoat)

However with no steering the yacht veered left and right, towing was difficult making only two knots at times. Coxswain Putt with his crew of six volunteers asked for assistance and at 3pm Falmouth Coastguards sent Penlee Lifeboat.

Penlee’s all-weather Severn Class Lifeboat the Ivan Ellen under Coxswain Richard Fowler (covering for Patch Harvey) Mechanic Tony Rendle and four volunteers, launched to help the Rose.

Ivan Ellen rendezvoused at about 5pm and took over the tow with Rose acting as a brake behind the yacht.

After a long tow the lifeboats arrived back at Newlyn, coffee and hot pizza was a welcome sight for the Lizard crew who had been at sea for some 13hours.