Cornwall Council’s Trading Standards team is warning homeowners to be cautious following reports of rogue traders quoting customers as high as four times above the average rate.

The team has received multiple reports of traders going door-to-door in residential areas offering to clean roofs and driveways.

The traders offer to jet-wash a sample area of the property to highlight the difference the work would make. After the resident has had a large patch of their roof cleaned, they feel pressured to allow the work to continue, rather than leave it looking unfinished.

Prices quoted have been as high as £2,000 for a job that, on average, should cost less than a quarter of that price.

Councillor Martyn Alvey, cabinet member with responsibility for Public Protection at Cornwall Council, said: “Our officers have been out and about following up reports from the public, and are concerned that this group are targeting older residents.

Pictures show sample areas cleaned by the cold-callersPictures show sample areas cleaned by the cold-callers (Image: Cornwall Council)

“We urge residents to be extremely cautious of agreeing to work following a cold-call at the door.

“Where possible, only use trusted businesses, such as those who are members of the Trading Standards Buy With Confidence scheme.”


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Gary Webster, Group Leader of Cornwall Council’s Trading Standards team, said: “The law requires that traders who agree services at your home, must provide written information about the contract and services they are offering.

“This must include a 14-day cooling-off period in which you can change your mind. They should not be pressuring residents to agree work to start immediately.

“If you are concerned that you may have been a victim of this or there are suspected rogue traders operating in your area, please report it via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 0808 223 1133.”

The Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline provides a single point of access for all Trading Standards enquiries, along with practical advice for consumers.