Hundreds of women paraded through the streets of Falmouth last night – each one wearing a pink wig for a very special cause.

Now in its 15th year, the Pink Wig Parade has become the traditional start to Falmouth Week, raising money for breast cancer charities.

This year’s theme for the event was ‘Freaky Friday’, with the 2024 event T-shirts carrying the slogan ‘Scared out your wits? Check your t*ts!’ This led to all manner of fancy dress, from blood stained scrubs to Day of the Dead style make-up.

(Image: Colin Higgs)

(Image: Colin Higgs)

The parade gathered at the Greenbank Hotel from 4.30pm, ready to begin its route around the town at 6.45pm.

It then passed The Moor, heading to The Waterfront stage at the Church Street Car Park for an evening of entertainment by The Strutts.

(Image: Colin Higgs)

Behind the parade is a group of fundraisers in Falmouth, who organise events to raise money locally and nationally, for the Breast Care Team at the Royal Cornwall Hospital, Truro and Breast Cancer Now.

The organisers said beforehand: “As we are all aware, this disease now affects one in eight women and let’s not forget, men can be affected too. Breast cancer is, unfortunately, a disease that we are all far too familiar with.”

(Image: Colin Higgs)

(Image: Colin Higgs)

Pink Wig began in 2009 when a group of friends went out to wish the event’s founder Sally well at the beginning of her cancer treatment.

They decided, “for a giggle” to all wear a pink wig. Little did they realise at that time where that night would take them.

(Image: Colin Higgs)

(Image: Colin Higgs)

“Year on year, our ‘girls night out’ has grown beyond our wildest dream. To date, we have raised over £147,000 for our chosen charities,” said the organisers.

“We have been overwhelmed with continued support from our community including many local businesses, local media, the infamous Falmouth Town Marine Band with Betty Stogs and Tim Vigus from Southwest Bars & Events for believing in our event and inviting Pink Wig to be the first night of Falmouth Week.

(Image: Colin Higgs)

(Image: Colin Higgs)

“It goes without saying that our most valued support comes from the ladies of Falmouth and beyond who continue to attend our annual event (and more) year after year at Pink Wig Night.”

Those wanting to take part this year were reminded that it’s called the Pink Wig Parade for a reason – with organisers warning “No wig, no entry!”

(Image: Colin Higgs)

(Image: Colin Higgs)

They were not disappointed, with a sea of pink stretching down Dunstanville Terrace as far as the eye could see as the parade left the hotel.

The 'wiggers' were led, as usual, by Skinner's Brewery mascot turned charity fundraiser Betty Stogs, with Falmouth Marine Band providing the musical accompaniment - all sporting pink wigs as well. 

(Image: Colin Higgs)

(Image: Colin Higgs)

  • See more pictures of Falmouth Pink Wig Parade 2024 with a 'Freaky Friday' theme in our photo gallery at the top of the page.