Helston Community College is celebrating another year of success, this time with its Year 11 students achieving impressive GCSE results.

Students eagerly arrived at Helston Community College’s Post 16 site this morning (Thursday) eager to collect their results.

There were tears of pure joy and elation for those who had passed their GCSEs, despite having had to negotiate Covid at the start of their secondary school experience.

Annabelle and Tayah celebrate exceptional results Annabelle and Tayah celebrate exceptional results (Image: Kate Lockett)

However, the students have shown resilience and determination to get where they are now.

Alex Lingard, headteacher said: “We are incredibly proud of what our Year 11 students have achieved – they worked very hard and showed a huge amount of resilience over what was a very long exam season.

Rupert Cox was one of the first to receive his results at HCH this morning Rupert Cox was one of the first to receive his results at HCH this morning (Image: Kate Lockett)

“Not only are we proud of all the high achievers, but we are equally pleased for all those who worked incredibly hard to pass their courses.

“It was great to see so many smiles and tears of joy as students opened their results envelopes.”

Amelia and Lucy, thrilled with their results, celebrated with their parents Amelia and Lucy, thrilled with their results, celebrated with their parents (Image: Kate Lockett)

Mrs Siobhan Barnes who had led and supported this year's group throughout their GCSE years also commented: “I would like to congratulate each and every student for the results gained from hard work and determination. They should be really proud.”

The school also expresses its gratitude to the staff and parents of the students for their support throughout the year.

More pictures of Helston GCSE students can be found in our picture gallery at the top of the page. 

Post-16 Enrolment

The college is looking forward to its Year 11 students continuing their studies at Helston Sixth Form, and students from other schools.

Students can enrol on Thursday, 22 and Friday, 23 August at the Post 16 site.

Prospective students who missed out on enrolment days can email Mrs Jane Rowe (sixth form administrator) at jrowe@helston.tpacademytrust.org so meetings can be set up to discuss course options.