A new support hub has opened for families in Cornwall who have experienced domestic abuse.

A grant of just under £80,000 has allowed the True Butterflies Foundation to move to bigger premises in Truro, as well help cover the cost of extra staff and volunteers.

The charity received £79,731 from Cornwall Council's Good Growth Community Levelling up Programme, which is awarded on behalf of the government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

True Butterflies Foundation is a Cornwall-based charity that supports survivors of domestic abuse and their children.

The charity offers a broad range of support services, including mentoring, counselling, therapeutic-based workshops and court support helping families towards recovery.

However, the number of families requiring support increases year on year, leading to some families having to wait up to eight months for the support they need.

True Butterflies has opened a larger support hubTrue Butterflies has opened a larger support hub (Image: True Butterflies Foundation)

Executive director Angela Lowe said: “We have already seen an improvement to our waiting times, due to having space to offer more appointments. As we extend on our staffing levels over the next year, this will continue to get better.

“We are so thankful for this opportunity for the charity to grow and are very proud of been able to provide our support to individuals and families in Cornwall.”

Two new support leads - one for adults and one specialising in children - are working with volunteers to increase the capacity of the service, meaning many more families can be supported each year.

Volunteers are receiving training to improve their skills and chances of securing employment.

For help and support with domestic abuse including recovery contact Safer Futures https://saferfutures.org.uk/

For more information about volunteering contact True Butterflies Foundation www.truebutterflies.org

The Roseland & Truro Community Area Partnership played a key role in allocating funds to local projects.

Councillor Rob Knill of Chacewater Parish Council, who is chair of the Roseland & Truro Funding Panel, said: “Those who volunteered to sit on the CAP Funding Panel were unequivocal in their support for the True Butterflies Foundation bid.

“The bid not only identified a clear need for specialist care, as well as the provision of appropriate space and surroundings to deliver that care, it also offered a wide range of potential solutions that will hopefully help many families or individuals affected by domestic abuse for as long as they need it.”