A couple who has been a part of the Mullion community for more than 50 years have celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary.

Joan and Frank Butler, 91 and 92 respectively, marked their Platinum anniversary on August 21 with their loving family.

The couple’s love story began in a very different setting – the heart of Birmingham during the Second World War where they both experienced firsthand the bombing that took place.

Joan and Frank Butler on their 70th anniversary Joan and Frank Butler on their 70th anniversary (Image: Family Picture)

Joan left school at the age of 14 and joined the Civil Service, while Frank had various jobs before joining the Fleet Air Arm branch of the Royal Navy in 1950. In 1954 the couple married, with a wedding cake in the shape of an aircraft carrier.  

Frank was drafted to various bases around the country and in 1959 they were posted to Malta for two and half years. During this period, their first child was born, a daughter called Susan.

From Malta, the couple moved to Scotland before finally being drafted to RNAS Culdrose. Initially living in married quarters in Helston, their son Peter was born in 1969 and the family then moved to Mullion in 1973.

. In 1954 the couple married, with a wedding cake in the shape of an aircraft carrier. In 1954 the couple married, with a wedding cake in the shape of an aircraft carrier (Image: Family Picture)

After 24 years of service, Frank retired in 1974 with the rank of Chief Petty Officer, having travelled the world on various ships including HMS Ark Royal, HMS Hermes and his final ship HMS Blake.

Not one to sit back and relax, Frank established a carpentry and property repair company which flourished until his retirement in 1997.

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During this time, Joan and various jobs in the village including working as a lunchtime supervisor at Mullion Primary School.

Both Joan and Frank have dedicated themselves to their community, volunteering their time generously. Joan served on and later chaired the Mullion Cancer Research committee, while Frank served as a hospital car driver and later a TAP driver for many years.

Joan and Frank with their family Joan and Frank with their family (Image: Family Picture)

Their special anniversary was celebrated with their loving family: daughter Susan and her husband John, son Peter and his wife Brid, grandsons William and James and their partners Madi and Lowena, and great-grandson George. The couple were also overjoyed to receive a congratulations card from Their Majesties the King and Queen.