Cheques were presented to memory cafes in Falmouth and Penryn last week as part of ongoing charity work by Penryn’s masonic lodge, linking with Cober Valley Accordion Band.

Stuart Douglas presented a cheque for £50 to Gill Grant of Penryn Memory Café during at open day at St Gluvias Masonic Lodge, coinciding with Penryn Fair Day.

A few days later, Falmouth Memory Café was then delighted to accept a £50 donation at its Tuesday afternoon meeting.

Mr Douglas plays accordion in the Cober Valley Accordion Band, which is taking part in an Exeter University study called ‘PROTECT’, looking at the effect of music on the elderly and people with dementia.

As part of this, the band has been going to different memory cafes in Cornwall to play for members.

At the same time, Mr Douglas is also charity steward for St Gluvias Lodge, which around six months ago lost a member to dementia.

The masons are now supporting people with Alzheimer’s and dementia by donating money to three memory cafes in the local area.

A cheque is presented to Falmouth Memory Cafe (Image: Phil Boddy)

In addition to the two recent donations, a presentation has already taken place at Perranwell Memory Café, and there will also be money donated to the Alzheimer's Society.

Falmouth and Penryn's memory cafes meet fortnightly and alternate their sessions. 

Falmouth Memory Café meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month throughout the year at the Emmanuel Baptist Church, Falmouth from 2pm to 4pm. It is a place where anyone with memory loss, along with their carer or family members, can find support and also be signposted to further support. Contact either Maggie Robertson on 01326 210724 or Rita Buck on 01326 617963.

Penryn Memory Café meets the first and third Thursday of the month, at Teetotal Hall (Temperance Hall) at 32 Lower Market Street, Penryn. Contact Gill Grant on 01326 374969.