Young farmers from across Cornwall took part in their county rally last Saturday (August 31). 

The Cornwall YFC event took place at Lower Rosewarrick Farm, Lanivet by kind permission of Mr and Mrs D Nattle.

The event was organised by Roche YFC, Lostwithiel YFC and Camelford YFC and chaired by Marley Lamerton from Roche YFC.

There were a range of competitions from sheaf pitching and tractor driving to cupcake decorating and making a mocktail blindfolded. 

Cornwall YFC members concentrate on the cake decorating classes at the County Rally (Image: Cornwall YFC)

Around 1,000 people - young farmer and members of the public - attended the rally.

Cornwall YFC county chair, Jordan Edyvean, said: “It was a brilliant day from start to finish.

"It was very well attended by members and the public and the standard of entries in all the classes was extremely high – it was also a lot of fun!”

Making mocktails blindfolded! (Image: Cornwall YFC)

Many YFC members arrived at the rally with entries for the cookery classes, which had to be made in advance. 

These included the Cornish pasty, Cornish saffron buns and heavy cake as well as preserves including jam, chutney, marmalade and piccalilli. For those whose efforts went a little awry there was even an “Oops” class where members were invited to enter their cookery mishaps.

Classes in arts, crafts and photography were also held – with the fashion-conscious decorating boiler suits, wellies and hard hats.

As well as 17 individual events, there were team competitions including a soap box race and tug of war. The day ended with a bar and disco.

Smiles all round as trophies given out at the rally. (Image: Cornwall YFC)

Richard Young, central Cornwall Agent for NFU Mutual, sponsors of Cornwall YFC, attended the county rally and helped out with the judging of the butter churning and breed identification competitions. 

“It was great to see so many enthusiastic young members of the rural community showing off their skills across a very wide range of disciplines," he said.

“The Cornwall YFC plays an important part in the Cornish community providing great opportunities and support for young people at a time when the pressures on the young can make life a challenge for some. NFU Mutual is proud to be a sponsor.”

  • See more pictures in the photo gallery at the top of the page.