Two people who set out to sea on a half inflated paddleboard in “ordinary” clothes found themselves blown out to sea and unable to get back.

Eyewitness Penny Miners was sat on Praa Sands with her husband Andy when she watched the drama unfold before her.

She said the pair had no lifejackets on and soon found themselves in difficulty, being driven out to sea by strong winds.

Fortunately they were being monitored by RNLI lifeguards who had to launch their Y-Boat to go out and rescue them.

She said the whole incident was pretty much a forgone conclusion as soon as they set off from the beach.

She said when they tried to come back to shore they found that they were being blown sideways and being blown further out to sea.

Posting on Facebook she said the pair had been incredibly lucky and praised the lifeguards who had carried out the rescue.

“Andy and I sat on Praa Beach and watched a situation unfold, the conclusion of which was pretty well a foregone conclusion from the onset,” she said.

“Two people in ordinary clothes got on a paddleboard which hadn't been fully inflated and set off out to sea. The breeze was offshore and we watched them happily paddle out, most probably unaware that after maybe 50 yards they were being carried out by the wind. They were being closely monitored by the RNLI lifeguards.

“After a while they started to try and come back to shore all the while being blown sideways and further out to sea. When they were about half a mile out the lifeguards launched their Y Boat and rescued them.

“In all probability they had no means of communication and they had no life jackets.

“They were incredibly lucky, if this had been next month Praa would not have been monitored and if they hadn't been observed, who knows what may have happened.

“All praise to the RNLI lifeguards who, in all possibility saved their lives, fantastic job well done.”