With Helston's September Harvest celebrations in full swing, the town's canine companions took centre stage at the annual Family Fun Dog Show.

On Saturday, Coronation Park was transformed into a canine showground as eager pooches and their proud owners gathered for the event.

Bobbi, with his owner Vanessa Strike was named Best in Show Bobbi, with his owner Vanessa Strike, was named Best in Show (Image: Sarah Reed)

Judge Sarah Reed of Central Methodist Chapel had the difficult task of judging the competition and awarding prizes in various categories. 

The winners of this year's Helston Harvest Fair Family Fun Dog Show include: 

  • Most Handsome Dog: Sophocles, shown by Gillian Geer
  • Prettiest Bitch: Dixie, shown by David Goodchild
  • Golden Oldie: Bobby, shown by Michael
  • Cutest Puppy: Bobbi
  • Junior Handling: Denzel, shown by Imogen and Jacob
  • Waggiest Tail: Morley, shown by Hayley Orchard
  • Dog/Bitch Most Like Their Owner: Bobby, shown by Michael
  • My Dog's Got Talent!: Denzel, shown by Imogen and Jacob

Vanessa Strike's Bobbi took home the coveted Best in Show title, while Millie Houghton's Toby claimed the Reserve Best award.

Reserve Best in Show went to Toby, shown by Millie Houghton Reserve Best in Show went to Toby, shown by Millie Houghton (Image: Sarah Reed)

Organizer Nicola Boase expressed her satisfaction with the event, noting that despite fewer entries, quality triumphed quantity at this year’s show.

The Helston Harvest celebrations continue this week, with the carnival taking place on Saturday, September 14.