Water voles have been returned to Cornwall's rivers following the release of 200 of the species. 

Earlier this week, 80 water voles were released by the Duchy of Cornwall in the River Fowey, with a further 120 water voles released at The Lost Gardens of Heligan.

The Duchy of Cornwall has been working in partnership with the Keep It Wild Trust, as part of a significant investment programme to enhance the River Fowey’s wetland corridor in Restormel.

The release is part of a wider project to re-introduce water voles, which have been a rare species in Cornwall since their extinction in the region in the 1990s.

Since 2022, the programme has implemented measures including diverting and bunding drainage channels, that have created larger and deeper more permanent pools along the historic channels of the River Fowey.

Recent habitat studies show that these enhanced wetland features have rapidly become botanically richer, forming the ideal water vole habitat.

It was also the sight of water voles on the River Fowey that inspired Kenneth Graeme’s beloved Ratty in Wind in the Willows.

Water voles support a wider food web of other species (Image: Duchy of Cornwall/PR4Photos)

Jeremy Clitherow, senior future farming advisor at the Duchy of Cornwall has explained the importance of the water vole to the river.

He said: “The Duchy of Cornwall is delighted to be a part of the reintroduction of water voles in the area; this is an important first step in restoring this ancient landscape and a first for the Duchy.

"Water voles are important mini-ecosystem engineers. Their existence impacts soil and plant biodiversity around their burrows and riverbanks. They move nutrients around, bringing some to the surface, improving soil health and helping plants to grow.

"Above ground, their eating habits can help shape the ecosystem - their grazing helps control vegetation growth, making room for wildflowers and other native grasses to grow around the water banks”.

This week also saw the release of 120 water voles at The Lost Gardens of Heligan.

Releases took place different locations across the iconic estate, including Heligan’s beaver enclosure and Lost Valley.

The creatures were released at the River Fowey and the Lost Gardens of Heligan (Image: Duchy of Cornwall/PR4Photos)

Working alongside Derek Gow Consultancy, initial surveys were undertaken at Heligan to determine the suitability of habitat for the voles along with American Mink (Neogale vison) monitoring.

Luckily, no mink were seen and the habitat through the Lost Valley was deemed favourable for water voles.  Beavers were also released to Heligan in 2023.

Toby Davies, wildlife coordinator at Heligan, said: “With initial habitat surveys suggesting that water voles once resided on the Heligan Estate, we are immensely proud to be a part of this project and hope to see the species thrive after their release for future generations to come.”

Derek Gow, from Keep It Wild Trust, said: “As a small mammal at the base of the food chain, the water vole supports a wider food web of other species, including many terrestrial and aquatic predators such as owls, kestrel, stoat and pike.

"American Mink can exclude them from water edge environments but a recent year- long monitoring programme has found no evidence of this species in the surrounding environments of Restormel.”

The re-introduction of water voles to these rivers is the first phase of this programme, with further releases planned in the spring of 2025.