A woman subjected to a catalogue of horrendous abuse by a former body builder told a court at his sentencing: “I get through the days knowing each day more is another step closer to when I die and not being in this pain anymore.”

It has taken nine months for Matthew James Gardner to be sentenced, following a series of delays.

However, he has now been sent to prison for 18 years – of which he must serve at least two thirds before even being considered for release by the parole board - with a further four years on extended licence.

Originally from the Isles of Scilly but more recently living in Redruth, Gardner appeared before Truro Crown Court for trial in January.

He was found guilty of all 14 charges against him, despite his denials – at one point in the trial appealing to the jury to “make the right decision”.

However, it took the jurors just two and a half hours to reach a unanimous verdict and find him guilty of all 14 charges.

These included:

  • Nine charges of rape.
  • Assault by penetration
  • Controlling or coercive behaviour.

In a victim impact statement read out to the court today (Friday), the woman said: “Before I met this person I was a happy, outgoing individual. I had a social life with lots of friends. I enjoyed going to new places and meeting new people.

“I don’t recognise myself or who I was anymore.

“I rely on anxiety tablets. I suffer panic attacks and flashbacks.”

She said she now closes her eyes when in the bath, to not see her naked body and be reminded over what happened to it, adding: “I want to claw my skin off. I feel dirty and disgusting all the time.”

She described “horrendous nightmares” from which she wakes up screaming, and said she sleeps with a rape alarm under her bed.

“I get through the days knowing each day more is another step closer to when I die and not being in this pain anymore,” she added.

Representing Gardner, Miss Dalton said any mitigation she could offer was extremely limited as Gardner did not accept the convictions or what was said about him.

“He is still in the process of pursuing an appeal against the conviction,” she added.

Miss Dalton did draw attention to a character reference from the support officer in the prison where Gardner has been remanded since the end of January, which reported that Gardener had been supporting vulnerable men while in custody.

She also reported that Gardner had told her there had been no issues with his behaviour in prison, adding: “He gets messages from the prison guards and officers that they feel safe and comfortable around him - both male and female staff.”

Miss Dalton also passed on from Gardner that he had no intention of making any further contact with his victim, if this reassured her going forward.

(Image: Devon and Cornwall Police) Sentencing Gardner, Recorder Richard Stead described him as a “narcissist” who blamed everyone but himself.

“You’re clearly unable to take responsibility for your own action and blame everyone else but yourself,” he said.

He told Gardner: “There appear to be two sides to your character - on the one hand the relaxed and kind person described by your mother and your landlady during the trial, on the other hand a controlling and coercive person.

“You used the one personality in front of others whilst concealing the abusive behaviour.”

Recorder Stead said his sentencing remarks were “just the tip of the iceberg.”

“It’s clear from the victim impact statement the severe psychological harm from your behaviour and continues to have severe psychological repercussions,” he added.

Gardner will remain on the sex offenders' register for life, an existing restraining order will remain in place and a sexual harm prevention order has been put in place. 

Due to reporting restrictions, much of the detail regarding Gardner’s crimes cannot be made public but was often extremely distressing.

The trial heard evidence of violent rapes and forcing a urine-soaked toothbrush into the mouth of the victim.

In video evidence, played to the jury, the complainant described Gardner initially “love bombing” her, by turning up to her place of work and telling her: “I’ve never felt this way about someone before.”

However, it soon turned nasty. In evidence the woman recalled how on one occasion he grabbed a sock and “rammed it in my mouth”, put his hand on the back of her head and then raped her. She said that afterwards he told her: “No one is going to believe you if you tell anyone about this.”

On another she said Gardner threw a toothbrush in a toilet, urinated on it and then rammed it in her mouth. On a different occasion, she said, he pushed her head into a toilet, although not the water, and had sex with her.

She said he had thrown plates at her, and taken his work boots and “whacked them against my head, roaring in my face.”

Gardner had tried to paint a picture of his victim being manipulative and described himself as having “the patience of a saint”, at one point telling the jury: “People get frustrated with me as they can to provoke me but I’m so laid back I’m horizontal.”

He even tried to suggest that the victim and witnesses for the prosecution had all lied under oath, but the prosecutor put to him: "I suggest you're an extremely manipulative liar."

When asked if there was anything Gardner regretted about any of his actions, he gave an impassioned response, saying: “The only thing I regret with that woman is ever meeting her. She has made my life a living hell.

“My name has been absolutely destroyed.”

Gardner was originally released on conditional bail, with a restraining order in place, ahead of a planned sentencing in April.

However, within weeks he was back before the court, after admitting that he failed to comply with notification requirements, contrary to the Sexual Offences Act, by failing to notify the police within three days of conviction to give his name, date of birth, address and national insurance number.

He was remanded into custody, where he has remained since.