Labour has retained its majority on Falmouth Town Council after yesterday's by-election.

The by-election held yesterday for the Penwerris ward was for one Cornwall councillor and two town council positions following the resignations of Jayne Kirkham and Gerald Chin-Quee.

Daniel Konik and Tom Pearce, both Labour, were elected as Falmouth Town Councillors for Penwerris Ward.

Konik received 319 votes while Pearce received 290.

The election of the two Labour town councillors means that the party remains in the majority on the town council.

Falmouth’s Labour mayor Alan Rowe has been elected to Cornwall Council alongside the two new Labour town councillors.

Cllr Rowe was elected as Cornwall Councillor for the Falmouth Penwerris Electoral Division.

He was elected with 339 votes while John Spargo for the Lib Dems got 228 and Jacqueline Walkden for the Green Party got 189.

All three were congratulated by MP Jayne Kirkham who said: "Well done Alan, Danny and Tom.

"You will all be excellent councillors."

Jayne Kirkham resigned from both her positions after being elected as the Labour MP for Truro and Falmouth back in July while Gerald Chin-Quee resigned due to ill health.

Also standing in the town council elections were Kevin Burrows and Mark Peters as independents while Jeffrey Muir stood for the Liberal Democrats and Jackie Walkden for the Green party.

Standing for the Cornwall Council seat as well as Cllr Rowe was current town councillor John Spargo for the Liberal Democrats and Jackie Walkden for the Green party.