The Environment Agency says it is still committed to finding a solution to the surface flooding in Falmouth – but says it can't afford it at the moment.

The admission comes as the area around the Prince of Wales pier area flooded heavily again on Saturday (September 21) during heavy rain and thunderstorms.

Lightning strikes and flooding were reported after Cornwall was hit by heavy rain and thunderstorms with Market Strand businesses flooded in minutes after water poured down Killigrew Street.

The Environment Agency says it is still committed to finding a solution to the problem, but it is going to take some time to find ways to address the associated costs and issues.

“We remain committed to finding a solution to the surface water flooding affecting the Prince of Wales Pier area of Falmouth and understand the impact this is having on the community.

“The preferred option to create a new drainage route from Market Strand to a new outfall involves several challenges to prevent any erosion of the listed pier while accommodating the needs of the Special Area of Conservation.

The area has suffered bad flooding for many years previouslyThe area has suffered bad flooding for many years previously (Image: File)

“It will take some time to find ways to address these associated costs and issues. We are also considering other options to address flood risk while working with South West Water on other projects within the town.”

The agency proposals include:

• A new drainage route from Market Strand to the sea would allow more drainage during heavy rainfall.

• To protect the pier from erosion at times of discharge, significant amounts of erosion matting would need to be installed within the Fal Estuary.

• Any loss of habitat to the SAC would need to be compensated and replaced.

In April last year The Environment Agency said it was working with South West Water and Cornwall Council to improve the surface water drainage network around Market Strand and the Prince of Wales Pier.


Met Office issues a severe weather warning for heavy rain and flooding

It went on to add: "The flood scheme will reduce risks associated with surface water flooding and will allow further growth in a town centre waterfront location."

Back in 2020 it was announced that Falmouth had been given a half a million pound windfall to tackle town centre flooding with work due to start in 2020/21.

It was trumpeted as part of a new £170 million funding pot for 22 new “shovel-ready” flood defence projects - in other words, ready to get underway quickly.

Last year it was announced Falmouth was one of six communities to receive funding for schemes towards better flood protection.

It would receive part of the government’s £100 million Frequently Flooded Allowance for its integrated urban drainage management to tackle flooding on Prince of Wales Pier.

But in 2024 the area is untouched and still being flooded.