An upmarket Falmouth hotel has lodged an appeal against a refusal to allow it permission to build more rooms and an extension at the site.

The owners of Merchants Manor on Western Terrace applied last year to convert its ground floor gym into four rooms and for the construction of six more rooms within a proposed first and second floor extension.

Two rooms on the second floor would also have a decked viewing area contained by a balustrade.

The hotel said at the time: “The proposal offers a high-quality scheme contributing new letting rooms to the existing accommodation at Merchant’s Manor which would enhance the offering of the existing building.”

In the application the hotel said the proposed additional letting rooms responded to the “unique historic character” of the setting and would result in a “sympathetically” designed structure which would sit well against the building as an extension of the existing hotel.

However, Falmouth Town Council recommend refusal on the grounds of over development and harm to the character and appearance of the Conservation Area.

Cornwall Council refused it on the grounds that the proposed development would, by reason of its scale, massing, height and design result in harm to the character of the original host building and the character and appearance of this part of the Falmouth Conservation Area.


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The planning officer who refused the application said: "The proposed development would by reason of its scale, massing, height and design result in harm to the character of the original host building and the character and appearance of this part of the Falmouth Conservation Area."

All submissions to the appeal must be in by October 9 using the Planning Inspectorate website at:

You can send your comments to: The Planning Inspectorate, Room 3, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol, BS1 6PN.