A new 66-bed care home is being planned on the outskirts of Helston.

LNT Care Developments has applied to build a 66-bed care home with associated car parking and landscaping at Trelil Farm, on land off Rowes Lane, which is classed as the Wendron parish but is on the outskirts of Helston.

The company has a portfolio of care homes specifically for the care of older people in a number of locations across England.

The application site is on land that is currently included within the masterplan for the HX1 Helston Urban Extension, where the Park an Daras housing development is being built.

The care home proposed is a purpose-built, two-storey residential care facility to “provide a modern compliant care home to meet current government standards”.

A reception and café are included as a "welcoming space for residents and visitors and will provide natural surveillance, along with the main office, for people entering and leaving the site."

The lounges are planned as a central focal point within the care home and a secure landscaped garden area is also being proposed.

READ NEXT: Planned demolition of care home in Helston revealed as notice goes up

Documents accompanying a planning application to Cornwall Council state that the facility would be fully compliant with the National Care Standards Act 2000, providing single-room accommodation, with en-suite facilities and “a more than suitable ratio of communal/recreational space per resident", with level access throughout.

The configuration of the care home would enable it to provide two types of care – general residential and residential dementia care. Its layout would allow the home to be spilt into the separate care requirements.

LNT Care Developments state: "The objective is to provide a character of accommodation that would provide a higher quality of life for residents than more conventionally designed facilities."

The company said it intended to be in full communication with the local community, adding: "Letters and A4 sized copies of the drawings will be sent to neighbouring residents and other property owners within the immediate vicinity of the site, advising them of the impending planning application and inviting comments and dialogue with the applicants directly if there are matters of concern or clarification required."

More information can be found on the Cornwall Council planning portal, via its website, under reference PA24/06846.

All planning applications submitted to the council have to be validated and are available for inspection by the public. Anyone is also allowed to submit comments about the applications – whether in support or objection.