Helston’s Poppy Appeal will welcome a new face this year, as Jenny Harvey steps down after ten years.

Jenny has stepped down from her role as a fundraising organiser for the Royal British Legion’s Poppy Appeal and has now handed the baton to RNAS Culdrose warrant officer and gunnery officer Stewart Patterson.

Jenny described her time at the Poppy Appeal organiser as "amazing" and thanked those who volunteered for the last ten years. She said: "I have had an amazing time, but I couldn't have done it without an amazing team of helpers who come forward every year either knitting poppies or collecting. 

Jenny with her husband Stuart (middle) and new Poppy Appeal organiser Stewart Patterson (L) Jenny with her husband Stuart (middle) and new Poppy Appeal organiser Stewart Patterson (L) (Image: Stock Image)

"You know who you all are, and we couldn't have done it without you." 

Jenny shared that her most poignant memory of the Poppy Appeal was when she was selected out of all of the UK, Wales and Ireland collectors to attend Buckingham Palace to present the late Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Royal with their poppy corsage. 

During her time as the organiser of Helston's Appeal, Jenny has helped raise an incredible £350,000, which she says she is "very proud of." 

Now, Stewart will take control of organising the Poppy Appeal in Helston. 

Stewart, a familiar face in Helston and former chair of governors at Parc Eglos Primary School is eager to contribute to the Poppy Appeal, having worked closely with Jenny and her husband Stuart.“With the time I have spent in the military, and the work that the Royal British Legion do for veterans and serving personnel, I want to help the organisation that not only supports veterans but serving personnel and their families” Stewart told the Packet.

In addition to organising the Poppy Appeal for the first time this year, Stewart is also the man behind ceremonial events for Culdrose, including the Remembrance Parade through Helston town, which this year will take place on November 10.

There will also be a Remembrance Service the night before the parade on November 9 at St Michael’s Church, Helston, which has been organised by Jenny and Stuart. 

RNAS Culdrose warrant officer and gunnery officer Stewart Patterson has taken on the role of organising the Poppy Appeal in Helston RNAS Culdrose warrant officer and gunnery officer Stewart Patterson has taken on the role of organising the Poppy Appeal in Helston (Image: Kate Lockett) Stewart is currently in the process of recruiting volunteers for this year’s Poppy Appeal which be located in Helston supermarkets, Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Lidl’s daily from Saturday, October 26 to Saturday, November 9.

“The plea is for more volunteers to come forward to help this year, Stewart said.

“We have volunteers from Serco and other Culdrose personnel signed up, and some of the youth groups in the town. But we need more.

“If you can spare any time during the appeal to help, please get in touch.”

To find out how to volunteer for this year's Poppy Appeal in Helston, visit helstonpoppyappeal@btinternet.com.