An isolated young man from Truro with ADHD and autism gave an underage girl money to send him intimate pictures asking her to be his “**** toy”.

Kieron Smith, aged 23, of The Pods, County Hall, Truro appeared at Truro Crown Court for sentencing yesterday after pleading guilty to engaging in sexual communication with a child.

The court was told that Smith had engaged with the Instagram profile of the girl knowing she was under 16 and offered her money for pictures asking her if she wanted to be his “**** toy”.

The prosecution said Smith had already become a registered sex offender as a result of a caution he received in January 2023 for having made indecent images of children in 2021.

She said on September 2 this year police officers from the public protection unit carried out an unannounced visit.

He was asked about how he was coping with his feelings of sexual interest towards children and said he was currently struggling with it.

He gave them pins and access codes to his devices and was asked if there was anything he wanted to mention first.

He said recently he had watched at Youtube channel video and clicked on a link he’d seen in the comments and downloaded an MP4 video. When he previewed it showed a naked toddler but he immediately deleted it.

“He told the police during a conversation ‘I am no longer talking to that woman in Falmouth I am now talking to a girl on Instagram. I’ve been talking to a **-year-old girl. I sent her money for her to send me pictures. I feel really bad.”

“He opened up his account and pointed out the username. Officers reviewed the account and confirmed that the profile did say that she was ** years old and there were sexual comments made towards her including that he wanted her to be his ‘****-toy’.”

“He said he had sent her money asking for a full-length photo and she had sent an image that was indicative of child sexual material.”

He was arrested and admitted he had a sexual interest in children aged 13 to 17 and he had communicated with the girl and offered to pay for the images. He also admitted he had previously communicated with the girl.

A probation officer said he suffered with ADHD, autism and learning difficulties. He had contact with his parents once a fortnight, but his sister had cut off all communication with him since the offences.

She said he lived an isolated existence and didn’t leave his property much and had one friend but not many hobbies and could do with support.

Smith was given a three-year community order with the condition he completes 40 sessions of a targeted programme to help his sexual urges towards children, ten rehabilitation requirement days and mental health treatment for 12 months. No costs were awarded.