SCHOOL: Thanks to Duke of Leeds – cheque received for £235 following their fund raising before Christmas. As always their support is greatly appreciated and the donation will be used to provide markings for netball and football pitches on the playground and for a road circuit which can be used for our road safety with the children.

Another thank you to Mr Wade (Daniel Wade in class 1’s granddad) for the kind donation of a Yamaha electronic organ. It has already been used in assembly and Mrs Hoadley, music teacher, is looking forward to making use of it in music sessions.

New yellow pages are now being delivered in the area. Please collect and drop down all your old copies to school. Last year, Leedstown was in the top six for Kerrier.

There is a Youth Speaks Competition at Hayle School, when Leedstown are to take part. The title is "Is Graffiti Art?" Richard, Rosa and Joshua M were selected to speak for the school. Good luck to them.

WOMEN’S INSTITUTE: Brian Sheriff gave a wonderful talk on the mysterious and wonderful world of the tiger. His presentation was superb, with a double screen giving a wide panorama of views of animals, people and places in Northern India. When he was thanked, the speaker said she could have listened for another hour on the same subject, it was so enthralling. It gave members a chance to escape from a wet January evening, into the warmth and colour of a different world. Thank you Brian.

Plans are being made for 90th Birthday celebrations in June, with a tea party at Truthwall for Leedstown and the link WI of Lostwithiel, and two members from each WI in the Pendarves group. It is hoped that the county chairman will be present and other important guests. The Godrevy Singers will entertain. This will be by invitation only.

There will be an Open Day on Saturday, June 20 in Leedstown Village Hall during the afternoon, with an exhibition of Leedstown WI memorabilia and its 90 years of history, and also that of the village. There will be music and simple teas. This will be open to the general public, including anyone from Leedstown or WI members from any other WI in Cornwall who wish to drop in. Old members especially welcome.

A competition for a photograph of a Wild Animal: 1, Mrs E Pellow; 2, Hazel Hall; 3, Earlynn Matthews. There are proposals under way for the abolition of Crowan Parish as an entity under the new One Cornwall Structure plan. The implementation committee of Cornwall council under Malcolm Brown has agreed that this idea should be passed on to the Boundary Commission for England. Leedstown WI has already agreed to write to the Boundary Commission and the county council complaining about this proposal which would destroy an old and historic unity, which has been in existence since medieval times and probably before. It is hoped all individuals and organisations in the parish will write to stress the importance of one area for Crowan, both historically and for funding purposes. Crowan should not be split up among other parishes for the sake of a numbers game. Please write, details are available from the Clerk of the Crowan Parish Council, Paul Maplethorpe on 01326 565249, for addresses for the Boundary Commission for England and for Cornwall county council. I will also add the addresses to the Leedstown village notice board, or phone me on 01736 850332 if you cannot contact Paul. Comments have to be in before the end of January 2009.