THE Friday afternoon Mixed Triple players arrived at the club to find the club flag flying at half-mast as the oldest member of the club, Denis Richards, had passed away this week.

After a tribute was paid to Denis, his Son, Andy, said a few words as Denis had donated the trophy we were playing for in this competition. A minute’s silence was then taken in memory. There were very few surprises in the results this week and the games were played in excellent weather, although quite chilly.

Falmouth Yellow Wellies, league leaders, made no mistakes this week against Mawnan’s Guys and Dolls.

The Wellies with Liz Maunder leading, Betty Twelves number two, both who had excellent games followed by skip Ron Medlyn.

The Guys and Dolls, skipped by John Lethbridge, J Firth number two and Nick Fletcher leading, did score a single on the third end and were destined not to score again until the 15th end; such was the domination by the Wellies, who by now led 26-2 and went on to win the game 28-5.

Second in the league, Falmouth’s Temptation with Doug Moyle leading, Linda Amos at number two and Bill Adams at skip were soon 5-1 in the lead after five ends against Porthleven’s Live Wires, skipped by Phil Law, Lyn Law at number two and Yolande Drayson leading.

The Live Wires doubled their score on end number six to be 2-5 down and did not score again until the very last end with another single. The Temptations were far too good for them and won 35-3.

Falmouth Underdogs are still pushing for top honours, skipped by John Jones, Mel Angel number two and June Cammerford leading.

They were expecting a tough game against Stithians Wanderers, skipped by Phil Matthews, David Rickard number two and Maxine Rickard leading.

The Wanderers had the better start to lead 6-2 after five ends, but the Underdogs recovered to take the lead 12-7 after 13 ends.

The Wanderers then made a determined effort with a 1-3 to bring the score back to 11-12. But the Underdogs had the last say with a two on the last end to win a very closely fought game 15-12. An excellent win for them.

Falmouth’s Oggies, skipped by John Oldcroft, Tristan Beale number two and Sue Beale leading, as expected were far too strong for the inexperienced Smarties, skipped by Barbara Brown, Derek Riley number two and Derek Kneebone leading.

Scoring six slots on the fourth end gave the Oggies a good start and by the tenth end were 16-6 in the lead.

The Smarties were no match for the experienced Oggies as they went on to win heavily 28-8.

Helston’s Hellers with Diane Dawes leading, Terry Channon number two and Russell Dawes skipping, arguably their best squad, found Falmouth’s lesser experienced Diehards, skipped by Alan Winn, Carol Taylor number two and Chris Chatterton leading, quite a handful as after nine ends both teams were level at 10-10.

However, the Hellers then pulled away to lead 13-11 after 13 ends, until disaster struck the Diehards as the Hellers took 1-5-2-1 in successive ends and went on to win 22-13.

Falmouth/Carnon’s Rockets, skipped by Rick Blunden, Gill Etchells number two and Rob Farley leading, took an early lead to surprise Stithian Villagers, skipped by David Pascoe, Malcolm Symonds number 2 and Maureen Pascoe leading.

The Rockets led 14-4 after ten ends and then they got stuck for a while as the Villagers pulled back to 15-10, but the Rockets regrouped to finish the game in style with a 2-1-4 to win the match 22-10. An excellent result for the Rockets.

Results: Yellow Wellies, R Medlyn 28, Guys and Dolls, J Lethbridge 5; Live Wires P Law 3, Temptations, W Adams 35; Falcarn Rockets, R Blunden 22, Villagers, D Pascoe 10; Oggies, J Oldcroft 28, Smarties, B Brown 8; Diehards, A Winn 13, Hellers, R Dawes 22; Wanderers, P Matthews 12, Underdogs, J Jones 15.