The next few weeks up to the end of February are the ideal time to check whether hedges and trees need trimming.

Particularly where these features are by highways, at least annual inspection is required.

Much of the 4500 miles of road in Cornwall is bounded by hedges and the checks should be made not only to ensure that growth does not affect highway users, but also to ensure the health of this feature, so characteristic of the landscape.

Cornwall Wildlife Trust advise that January and February are the ideal months for hedge trimming. From the highway viewpoint it is easier and safer to cut hedges when the woody growth can be easily identified and there is less traffic.

Inspection and appropriate trimming ensures fewer problems with fallen trees or obstructed visibility on the road. As an example, a number of dead elms have been noticed around Cornwall, evidence of the cyclic nature of this disease. Action is generally required after material has been dead for more than one season and decay begins to set in.