APOSTOLIC CHURCH, THOMAS STREET: On Sunday Alan and Ann Penrose from the Support Romania Charity spoke about their trip to Romania to deliver the Christmas shoeboxes.

The church contributed 127 boxes to a total of 7,500. It was the 116th trip that Alan and Ann have made to deliver various provisions to those in need. Their work has evidenced God’s blessings on so many occasions and they shared recent accounts of this. Ann Penrose has written a book called “Road to Romania” which tells how they were directed by God to set up the charity and of God’s blessings on their work throughout the last 19 years; proceeds from the book go to the charity.

Pastor Winston Thomas then spoke on loyalty, which if divided will hinder our spiritual walk. Christians are called not to just declare their faith but to demonstrate it and to focus on God, not on their own agenda. Peter and Louise Curtis from USA spoke about God directing them back to Cornwall and their joy to be part of the fellowship.

In the evening service Pastor Glen Chaplin spoke on the first chapter of the Epistle of James which reinforces “a double mined man is unstable in all his ways”. Trials and temptations will be part of our lives but trials produce endurance and promise “for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him”.

Events: The Nurture Group, Tuesday, 10am in the home of Eunice Thomas. It is an informal discussion group. The Mums and Toddlers Group, 10am every Thursday in the church and a prayer meeting takes place every Thursday, 7.30pm. The Rock Solid Group (for 5–11 years), 5.45pm on Friday and the Wavelength Group (11 years upwards), 7.30pm on Friday.

On Sunday the speaker at the morning service was Pastor Glen Chaplin and at the evening service was Keith Sholl.

An Alpha Course will commence at the church at 12.30pm on January 29 and will continue for eight weeks. Over two million people in the UK and 11 million worldwide have now attended an Alpha course, an opportunity to explore the meaning of life. Please contact Sarah Chaplin if you want to attend.

The next coffee morning will take place on Saturday, January 31 at 10.30am.