ST MICHAEL’S CHURCH: The southerly gale on Saturday evening left plenty of debris – and blew out two windows of the church, rendering it unfit for worship. However, willing hands soon created a worship space in the Andrew Hall, with an altar and seats for the congregation. The sun came out to brighten the scene and Richard Berry was able to make sweet music on a less-than-perfect piano. The Rector, Canon David Miller, presided at Communion and also delivered a sermon prepared by lay reader Betty Booker. This explored how Christians, uniquely, believe it is possible to build up a relationship with God and how this was evidenced in Jesus’ earthly ministry through the invitations to “come and see” and “follow me”. The Rev Dorothy Noakes assisted at the service, with Bob Woodcock reading the lesson and Andrew Holyer leading the prayers.

There were two special visitors at the service. Philip and Lylie Harris, now living in Truro, were married at St Michael’s 50 years ago and had come back as part of the celebrations of their Golden Wedding. The weather, they said, was very similar to that in 1959!

Junior Church invited everyone to join in a prayer about friends and friendship, inspired by Paul and his friend Barnabus.

Churches Together in Helston will be busy this week with various events to mark the week of prayer for Christian Unity.