WOMEN’S INSTITUTE: One of the aims of the WI movement is the education of women, so it was appropriate that the January meeting was a lesson in the Cornish language. Members welcomed Mrs Mina Dresser who, complete with a Cornish tartan sash, promised to have everyone singing a song in Cornish by the end of the evening.

But first of all she explained something of the history of the language. It is closely allied to the Welsh and Breton Celtic tongues and it is known to have been used in ‘Miracle plays’ as far back as the 12th century. Modern Cornish as such evolved from the early 16th century but over the centuries the speaking of Cornish was subject to interference particularly by the Saxons and later on by the English so that gradually Cornish speakers were pushed further and further west towards West Penwith. The sad result was that eventually the language died out.

Today, however, there is a resurgence of interest in Cornish and there are now three written forms of the language. It is to be taught in schools and to facilitate this a single written form has been produced drawing from all three forms. Mina said that she has great hopes for the language in the future, something endorsed by all members whether they were Cornish or not. And after a show of hands it was established that only one fifth of the members present were Cornish born and none of them Cornish speakers. In an attempt to change this Mina then proceeded to teach members some simple words in Cornish and also the days of the week and some numbers. Then came the song she had promised. It turned out to be One man went to Mow in Cornish! She produced song sheets and all members sang with great gusto if possibly not the best pronunciation. Shirley Morrish thanked Mina for a most interesting and challenging talk. She had made everyone work hard.

President Dianna Couch quickly got through the business of the evening reminding members of the Sunday lunch on January 18 at the Carbis Bay Hotel. The proposed Jumble Sale had been cancelled and instead there will be a Coffee Morning in the village hall from 10am to 12.30pm on Saturday, January 24. There will be a bric-a-brac stall and a bring-and-buy as well as a raffle. Members were urged to publicise this event. All are welcome. The next meeting is on Tuesday, February 10 and is the Annual meeting.