WOMEN’S INSTITUTE: Members had enjoyed the Christmas celebrations, which included a visit to the Christmas market at Fowey then a drive to Cotehele to see the Christmas Garland in the Great Hall. Carol singing around the creek, followed by mulled wine and mince pies had been another happy and festive occasion.

The main focus of the January meeting, following the same pattern as in past years, was on DIY and gave members an opportunity to air individual and group talents in a programme of words and music.

Following a week of freezing temperatures this proved to be a perfect antidote to beating those January blues. Entitled: ”Everything from the sublime to the ridiculous” the audience’s attention was captured throughout and no-one nodded off for a short nap!

Contributions included Cornish anecdotes spoken with an authentic accent followed by the Berceuse from Faure’s Dolly Suite, beautifully played as a piano duet. Various poems and prose extracts were interspersed with other musical numbers including the ever popular The Gas Man Cometh by Swann and Flanders. In the song No One Loves a Fairy when she’s Sixty one of the smallest and daintiest members dressed in a pink costume and twirling a silver wand performed a dance routine. The grand finale, I’m up Early to Greet the Day, which was written and performed by members, brought the curtain down on a very pleasant afternoon’s entertainment. So – watch this space and move over Calendar Girls!

Future events include a walk from Penpoll Chapel to the Plain-an-Gwarry at Playing Place on January 20 and an invitation to watch the video Mamma Mia in a member’s home on January 30.

The next meeting is the AGM on February 9. New members are always welcome.