WOMEN’S INSTITUTE: The January meeting was well attended and chaired by the president, Ann Greenstreet, who gave details of forthcoming events organised by the County Federation. Members were looking forward to the skittles evening, giving an opportunity of socialising and having a meal together. The president outlined the programme for the coming year, which will contain a good range of topics, hopefully something to suit everyone. Several members were keen to learn how to crochet, so lessons were arranged.

The speaker was PC Anne Burcher, the Neighbourhood Beat Manager for Breage, Crowan, Germoe, Porthleven, Sithney and Wendron. She joined the police force in 1981 and served with the Metropolitan Police in Southall for five years.

After raising a family she resumed her career 11 years ago, this time in Cornwall, working in Camborne and Helston before taking up her present post based in Helston.

Her job mainly consists of dealing with long-term problems, such as neighbourhood disputes, also working with schools, etc but can be involved in incidents requiring immediate action if necessary.

She stressed the importance of Neighbourhood Watch Schemes and urged members to report anything of a suspicious nature. She was glad to report that anti-social behaviour in her area was relatively low. If it involved youngsters, schools were visited immediately and problems could usually be sorted out in this way.

She obviously enjoys her work, although very challenging at times. Members felt that having neighbourhood policing such as this, made them feel more secure.

METHODISTS: The reader’s service on Sunday was written by the Rev Richard Jones. Entitled “Test the Spirits”, it was conducted by John Hall of Sithney and his wife Pam read the lessons. Pam also spoke to the young people.

GODOLPHIN ARMS: Sandra and Dave Blower wish to convey their thanks to all the villagers and others who supported them over the Christmas period. The live “BAC-JAM” music, Halloween and New Year’s Eve parties were all very successful.