ALL SAINTS’ PARISH CHURCH: It was a case of “best laid plans” going awry on Sunday, Epiphany 2. The congregation had anticipated welcoming Captain Chris Baldwin (Salvation Army) as guest preacher at the start of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. At the same time Father Stewart Turner was due to preach at the Salvation Army. In the event both had to cry off, albeit for differing reasons.

The sung Parish Mass, therefore, was presided over by Father Stephen Drakeley, priest-in-charge. It began with the singing of the Processional hymn Bethlehem of Noblest Cities. After the greeting of the congregation by Fr Stephen, the Kyrie Elision and Gloria in Excelsis were sung. Barbara Martin read the First Lesson, taken from the First Book of Samuel, chapter 3 v 1-10. This passage recounts the calling of the boy Samuel by the Lord to His service. One interesting point of the story being that Samuel had to be directed by Eli to the source of the call; not recognising what was required of him.

Sally Maynard then read the Second Lesson from the Book of the Revelation of St John the Divine, chapter 5 v 1-10. This is another vision given to the saint leading to his recognition to the power of Jesus. Fr Stephen proclaimed John’s Gospel, chapter 1 v 43-51, the calling of Nathaniel to be a disciple.

He then led the intercessions before celebrating at the Eucharist. Here he was attended by Jane MacLennon and Helen Bancroft as chalice bearers. Anthea Bancroft was the server for the Mass, while the sidespersons were Sally Maynard and Anne Harrison. The organist was Roger King, church organist.

The Mass ended with the singing of the carol The First Nowell.

Forthcoming services: Wednesday, 11am, Low Mass; Sunday (Epiphany 3), 8am, Low Mass, 10am Sung Mass The Conversion of St Paul.