RUAN MINOR METHODIST CHAPEL: The Sunday Service was a special Family Service led by the Rev Sylvia Burgoyne. Margaret Green played the piano and the offering was collected by Louisa and Yasmin Burgess.

The theme of the service was "He's got the whole world in his hands". The Rev Burgoyne led a game of "Simon Says", followed by an illustration about four monkeys in a tree, copying what they see. She asked who should we copy? We should copy God as he made us in his image. God sent Jesus so we could be like him.

The Rev Burgoyne then told the story of Daniel in the Lion's den. She said that sometimes it is hard to stand up for God - to copy what Jesus would have done - but God will keep us safe in his hands.

She gave each child a cut-out paper monkey as a reminder of what they had been listening to.

There will not be a service in this Chapel on Sunday, as the congregation will be joining Lizard Chapel for their Covenant Service.