ST MARY’S CHURCH: On Sunday, January 11 there was special emphasis on helping children and young adults. The annual White Flower Appeal collection was held after Mass. This raised over £600 for the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, which is concerned with children’s health from the very beginning and also provides trained speakers for schools and support services for teachers, parents and medical professionals. After Mass the children’s liturgy group met to discuss plans for the coming year. In the afternoon there was a meeting for students and young adults.

Parish activities are now in full swing, with the Brownies and Guides on Monday afternoon and the prayer group in the evening. On Tuesday the Society of St Vincent de Paul held their post-Christmas meeting and circuit training for juniors and for seniors took place in the hall. The funeral of Cecilia Galvin was held in St Mary’s Helston. On Wednesday morning Mass was said at St Mary’s School, and in the evening there was a meeting in the presbytery for those wishing to learn more about the Catholic faith.

On Friday there was a meeting to discuss the parish’s commitment to the poor, which allocates a portion of parish income to help deprived people in the poorest countries in the world.

Sunday was celebrated as Peace Sunday and prayers were said especially for peace in the Holy Land. The scripture reading from the Book of Samuel told how when the young boy Samuel was taken by his mother to serve in the sanctuary he heard God’s call and was told to reply: “Speak, Lord, your servant is listening”. Samuel grew up to become a great prophet. The reading from St John’s Gospel told how John the Baptist pointed out Jesus to his own disciples, who then became Jesus’ most faithful followers.

The popular hymn I am the Lord of sea and sky continued the theme with its refrain Whom shall I send? Here am I, Lord, I will go, if you lead me.