PARISH OF PENWERRIS: Sunday was the start of the week of Christian Unity and Falmouth Churches Together had decreed that there would be an Exchange of Pulpits, hence the Rev Ian Froom celebrated the Parish Mass at St Michael and All Angels Church, Penwerris and the Rev Charles Blizzard from Emmanuel Baptist Church preached the sermon. Stuart Paul was organist and Mr D G Barnicoat and Mr J B Bray were the servers.

The Introit hymn Jesus calls us o’er the tumult was followed by the Collect for Epiphany 2.

Anne Mesley read the first lesson from 1 Samuel chapter 3 v 1-10 and Fr Ian read the responsorial Psalm 139 v 1-8 and 12-18, I will thank you because I am marvellously made.

Mary Miller read the second lesson from Revelation chapter 5 v 1-10 and the Gradual hymn was The race that long in darkness pined.

Fr Ian proclaimed the Gospel, John chapter 1 v 43-51 and Mr Blizzard delivered his sermon based on the Epistle, Revelation chapter 5 v 1-10, but also referring to Revelation chapter 4 which came before it and which was so necessary to understand the scroll which told of God’s plan and purpose for us.

The Eucharist followed after the Creed and Intercessions. The Offertory hymn was Dear Lord and Father of mankind and the hymn O thou who at they Eucharist did’st pray was sung during the communion. The Recessional hymn was Lead us heavenly father lead us.

The churchwarden gave the notices for the week thanking Fr Ian for taking the service today and Mr Blizzard for his uplifting sermon in the hope that the week of Christian Unity would bring about more understanding between the different denominations of Christian beliefs. On Wednesday, 10am: weekday mass at the Church of the Holy Spirit; 2pm, meeting of the Parochial Church Council. Thursday, 10am: meeting about the work of Grow In Project at Penwerris Vicarage; 7.30pm, Deanery meeting about the work with children in the Deanery at St Gluvias Vicarage. Friday 10am: weekday mass at St Michael’s. Sunday, 9.30am: Parish Mass at St Michael’s; 6pm Falmouth Churches Together joint worship with the Quaker meeting at the WI hall.