BUDOCK WOMEN’S INSTITUTE: “Get Well Soon” messages were given to quite a few members at the January meeting.

The president reminded members about forthcoming events, namely the birthday party on March 4, a proposed strawberry fayre in June and several outings. She said members were in for a treat this evening as they were to re-live the recent holidays of four members.

Ann Richardson then took the floor and talked about her holiday in Australia. They went via Singapore and hired a camper van when they arrived in Melbourne. It turned out to be much bigger than expected but made an excellent home for four weeks. With photos and anecdotes she progressed via the Blue Mountains to Sydney and then home.

Pat came next and she went to the same part of the world but ended up in Auckland, New Zealand. She talked about some of the Maori customs and history, which they learned when touring the North Island. They took an escorted tour of the South Island and via photos the beautiful scenery was enjoyed.

Next on the floor was Jenny Dunstan who visited the Falkland Islands. They had travelled via Ascension Island and because they were visiting Jenny’s son, who was stationed there, the journey was made easier and very welcoming. She said that you were still escorted to your residence, as security is still quite tight. The wild life is fantastic and you can enjoy the four seasons in one day, rain, snow and hot sun. The visit to the war memorial was very emotional and touching.

The afternoon was wound up by the president talking about her holiday in Las Vegas. Her son and daughter-in-law decided to marry there and didn’t think any of the family would be able to attend. At the airport the couple were very pleased that mom and auntie had come to see them off and more delighted when mom and auntie announced that they were coming with them. Jean said it was a wonderful experience. The city lights and the wedding ceremony were eye opening experiences, a week was not long enough and she would like to return some day.

Members came back to the present and were reminded that the February meeting was also the AGM and new committee members are needed.

After tea and cakes a very pleasant afternoon came to a close.