TREWENNACK METHODIST CHURCH: Bill Reed conducted Sunday morning service. The young people, assisted by Margaret Eva, made valiant efforts with handfuls of feathers to create a pigeon, which would fly out of the door! Mr Reed reminded us that only God can create life.

Beryl Squibb read from 1 Samuel chapter 3 v 1 to 10. Mr Reed spoke about Hannah giving her son to God’s service and how Eli realised that God was calling Samuel. Just as Samuel was born for a purpose, so are we and we must listen for God to tell us what He wants us to do.

Clare Pickering read from John’s gospel chapter 1, v 43 to 51. Mr Reed spoke about Jesus talking to Nathaniel and promising him that he would see great things. God’s promise is there for us if we trust Him. We must listen to Him and go out and proclaim Him to others. Val Thorne and Jenny Rapson were the pianists and Colin Combellack led the singing before the service, with Connor Campbell on drums.