SCHOOL: Mr Hood, Head Teacher, was delighted to watch Hayle Rotary Club Youth Speaks Competition. The team of Rosa Higgs (chair), Joshua Mitchell (vote of thanks) and Richard Jenkin (speaker) presented their speech “Is Graffiti Art?” superbly and they were a credit to the school. The competition was close between the five teams with Penpol School going through to the next round. Thank you to parents and friends who came and supported the team and to Katy Goddard who came to cheer on her class mates.

Collect old Yellow Pages directories from grandparents, aunts, uncles, places of work, anywhere you can find them. Please bring into Leedstown School entrance. Last year we managed to be one of the top six schools in Kerrier to recycle the highest number per pupil. Collected so far – 58.

CROWAN FEAST: This starts on Sunday, February 1 with an 11am service at Crowan Church. There will also be a concert on the Monday evening at the church, featuring Crowan School and Praze Hayle Male Voice Choir.

WOMEN’S INSTITUTE: Several members and friends used their bus passes to travel to Helston and enjoyed a fish and chip lunch at Nettles Restaurant. The meal was very good value and was an enjoyable social occasion.

The WI has sent a letter to the Boundary Commission for England, Cornwall county council and Crowan parish council, objecting to the proposed Constituency Boundary changes for Crowan. Objections have to be in before the end of January. If you wish to object, contact Linda Taylor, Chair of Crowan Parish Council or phone the Parish Clerk for Crowan on 01736 565249 for further information.

METHODIST CHURCH: A large number attended the funeral of William John James Kitto of Sunny Corner Leedstown, aged 93. The Kitto family have been at Sunny Corner for several generations and have been well respected farmers in the area. Mr Kitto was always interested in the history of Leedstown and the nearness of his farm to Binner Manor, established in Domesday Book. He remembered the mill working down in the valley below the farm.

His three grandsons spoke of their grandfather with affection at the service. The chosen bearers were Treve Berryman, Colin Christophers, Trevor Goldsworthy, Geoff Henwood, David Thomas and Barrie Williams. Sympathy is expressed to all Willie's family, and thanks from them to all who have supported them with kindness and sympathy over the last few weeks.