A good family atmosphere has helped Breage Primary School win praise with Ofsted inspectors.

Inspectors reported that pupils at the school felt safe and valued, with the school "outstanding" at allowing for personal development and well-being.

The highly positive report also spoke about the overall quality of teaching and learning, the behaviour of pupils and their good attitudes towards learning.

One inspector wrote: "Pupils take extremely good care of each other, with older ones helping the youngest pupils with their work and their daily lives."

Praise was given for the improvements that had been made since the last inspection, which the inspectors said was helping the school to raise standards and move forward at a faster pace. They also believed the school was well placed to improve further.

Acting head teacher Lesley Lloyd said: "We are a very happy, enthusiastic school. Staff, children, parents and governors work extremely hard and everyone enjoys being involved in the school.

"We are all delighted that Ofsted have recognised our extensive achievements in their recent inspection and it is my pleasure to be a part of this special school."

The report praises the school's successful curriculum which, it says, meets individual needs well.

One inspector wrote: "Teachers know pupils well. Excellent relationships make a very positive contribution to pupils' learning. Lessons are effectively planned to meet individual needs and there are many exciting opportunities for pupils to extend their personal skills through collaborative tasks."

The inspectors also gave credit to the organisation and administration of the school, with the head teacher having a "clear vision" for the future and governors being fully involved in the management of the school.

The school's links with parents and the wider community were applauded, with the school judged to be at the heart of village life.

"It upholds its Christian foundation in a real and unassuming way - 'inclusive, open and caring' is typical of many comments," added an inspector.

In order to raise standards further the school was asked to improve achievement in science, making sure pupils' skills and progress were more rigorously assessed and tracked, and ensure all pupils knew their targets.

Chairman of governors Tom Tree said: 'It is really pleasing to know that the Ofsted inspectors shared the same opinion as us of our friendly little school.

"To be marked 'good' with some 'outstanding' in today's climate is, we feel, quite exceptional. This is a real pat on the back for our highly skilled teaching staff and a genuine reflection of how they enhance the children's education."