Cornishman Gary Bullen from Falmouth and his team have arrived at the South Pole.

Twenty days and nine hours after departing from the start line, his Team Dankse Bank reached the far end of the earth in third place.

Following in the steps of Amundsen, Norwegian team Missing Link won the historic Amundsen Omega 3 South Pole Race, with Team QinetiQ (James Cracknell, Ben Fogel and Ed Coates) in second place.

Since January 4, six teams have raced on the Antarctic Plateau for 430 nautical miles across the largest ice cap in the world to the Geographic South Pole.

Now at the South Pole, Gary and his team will enjoy a well deserved rest for a few days before returning to the UK at the beginning of February.

Gary is the only competitor from Cornwall to take on the extreme challenge and celebrated reaching the South Pole by flying a Cornish flag. He is supporting Children’s Hospice South West’s Precious Lives Appeal to build a children’s hospice in Cornwall.

Mary Murfin, Children’s Hospice South West’s Community Fundraiser for Cornwall said: “Gary has gone to the far end of the earth to support our appeal to build Little Harbour. Reaching the South Pole really is a phenomenal achievement.”