ALL SAINTS’ PARISH CHURCH: Sunday was celebrated in remembrance of one of the most dramatic incidents of the early Christian church, the conversion of St Paul, or Saul as he was then known. The drama that took place on the Damascus Road resulting in the inclusion of Gentiles into what had been previously been seen as Jewish, the redemption through Christ’s death and resurrection.

The Sung Parish Mass was presided over by Father Stephen Drakeley, priest-in-charge, which began with the singing of the Processional hymn Christ is made the sure foundation. After Fr Stephen greeted the congregation he led the Prayers of Contrition and Penitence. The singing of the Kyrie and Gloria preceded the reading of the First Lesson by Jim Hall taken from Acts chapter 9, v 1-22. This is the account of Paul’s conversion. He read how he was blinded by a light from heaven and a voice asking why he was persecuting Christ. We also read how Ananias, a follower of Christ, was commanded to find Him and restore his sight, leading to him changing from being a persecutor to becoming one of the most defenders of the faith.

Paul Jenkins then read from chapter 1, v 11-16 of Paul’s Letter to the Galatians. Here he begins by setting out, asserting that his commission came about not from human authority, but from Jesus.

Fr Stephen proclaimed Matthew’s Gospel chapter 19 beginning at verse 27. The Apostles question Jesus as to what they will receive in return for leaving everything behind to follow Him. Fr Stephen took the conversion as the theme of his address. He suggested that the obedience of Ananias to the call was essential and ended with the question “Has your time come?” After leading the intercession, he celebrated at the Eucharist.

The chalice bearers were Barbara Jenkins and David Fittock. The servers for the Mass were Anthea Bancroft, Claire Eason-Bassett and David Fittock. The sidespersons were Jane MacLennan and Paul Jenkins. Roger King, church organist, presided at the organ.

The mass ended with the hymn The church’s one foundation.

Services on Sunday, Candlemas, 8am Low Mass, 10am Family Parade Mass.