ST MARY’S CHURCH: On Sunday, January 18, the scripture readings told how the boy Samuel was told to listen to the call of God and the first disciples of Jesus followed Him to listen to Him. This was a fitting introduction to the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, which began on Monday, January 19. On the day the Catholic Women’s League held their monthly Mass, followed by a business meeting. Other parish association continued their regular activities.

On Tuesday afternoon, parish representatives attended the meeting of Churches Together in Falmouth at the Emmanuel Baptist Church. On Wednesday morning, Mass was said in St Mary’s School. Prayers were said in St Mary’s Church throughout the day and after the evening Mass there was a meeting in the presbytery for those wishing to learn more about the Catholic faith. On Thursday evening there was a meeting for parents of children who wish to make their first Holy Communion this year.

Sunday was the last day of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The scripture reading told how the prophet Jonah preached repentance in the great city of Nineveh and the people proclaimed a fast and put on sackcloths, from the greatest to the least. The reading from St Mark’s Gospel told how Jesus preached “repent and believe the good news.” He invited His first four apostles, Simon and Andrew and James and John to leave everything and follow Him. Prayers were said for Ricky Crosthwaite, who died on Wednesday.

A young student, Peter DeBoo, spoke to the congregation and invited all young adults and students to join the group that meets in the presbytery on the first Sunday of each month in the afternoon before the evening service. Peter is seeking sponsorship for his bicycle ride from Penryn to Land’s End and back, in aid of the Handicapped Children’s Pilgrimage Trust.