PARISH OF PENWERRIS: Sunday was the Conversion of St Paul and Father Mark Mesley celebrated the Parish Mass at St Michael and All Angels Church. Stuart Paul was the organist and Mr D G Barnicoat and Mr J B Bray were the servers.

The Introit hymn We sing the glorious conquest was followed by the Collect.

Kathy Tregidgo read the First Lesson from Acts chapter 9, v 1-22 and Fr Mark read the Responsorial Psalm 67 “Let the peoples praise you, O God, let all the peoples praise you.”

Doreen Barnicoat read the Second Lesson from Galatians chapter 1, v 11-16 and the Gradual hymn was God of mercy, God of grace.

Father Mark proclaimed the Gospel, Matthew chapter 19, v 27-30 and in his sermon referred to the Collect “God, who caused the light of the gospel to shine throughout the world, through the preaching of your servant Saint Paul, grant that we who celebrate his wonderful conversion may follow him in bearing witness to your truth.” Although our conversion to God many not have been so dramatic as that of Saint Paul, may we use this time to reflect on our relationship with God.

The Eucharist followed after the Creed and Intercessions.

The Offertory hymn was Thou did'st leave thy throne and thy kingly crown and the hymn Soul of my Saviour was sung during the communion.

Fr Mark delivered the notices for the week; Wednesday, 10am, Weekday Mass at the Church of the Holy Spirit and 2.30pm The Rosary Group meets at 45 Conway Road. Friday, 10am, Weekday Mass at St Michael’s Church. Sunday, 9.30am, Parish Mass at St Michael’s celebrating the presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candleman) when the new Votive candle stand will be dedicated in memory of past worshippers and loved one; 6pm, Compline and Benediction at St Michael’s Church.

Fr Mark also announced that the PCC had agreed that as from Sunday, March 1 the Parish Mass would be at 10am and not 9.30am each Sunday and that on the first Sunday of the month there would be a Family Service at 10am – all welcome.

The Recessional hymn was Firmly I believe and truly.