UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGE FALMOUTH GROUP: Once again St Mary’s Church Hall, Falmouth was full as an eager audience waited for Dean Evans to give an illustrated talk on Cornish borne Victorian philanthropist James Passmore Edwards. A name well known in Cornwall James Passmore Edwards, sometimes called the Cornish Carnegie, was apparently known for his philanthropic activities, not only in Cornwall but across much of Great Britain. Dean gave a very full and interesting talk of his life from his birth at Blackwater in Cornwall until his death.

Coming from lowly beginnings over a long and varied life he amassed a large fortune, much of which he used to help establish such varied buildings as libraries, art galleries and convalescent homes, all aimed for the benefit of the poor and/or uneducated. Much of his money apparently came from his successful publications - The English Mechanic and The Building News, both of which he took over when they were not very successful and then built them up. At least 70 buildings were built over his life time with him insisting that those for whom they were built put something into the building whether land, furnishings or physical effort, thus ensuring that those who had the benefit also had an interest in maintaining them.

So detailed was the talk that there were few questions at the end and a vote of thanks was given by Pamela Dinsmore.

The next meeting is on February 18 when Simon Miles will give a talk entitled ‘Herbs’. Please come along as new members are very welcome. Anyone interested in joining the U3A to take part in any of the wide range of activities should contact David Neale, membership secretary, 01872 320107.