ST MICHAEL’S CHURCH: Parish Communion combined several themes - the ongoing season of Epiphany, the feast of the Conversion of St Paul and the church’s ministry of healing. The Rector, Canon David Miller, introduced the service, with the Rev Dorothy Noakes both presiding at Communion and preaching. Betty Booker, lay reader, assisted, with John Eddy reading the lesson and Michael Thorn leading the prayers.

In her sermon, the Rev Dorothy, speaking of the huge significance of St Paul’s mission to bring the gospel to the gentiles, referred to the real and spiritual sight he received through the revelation of Jesus in his life. She prayed for the healing of the nations, especially in the Holy Land. Following the sermon, the congregation was invited to receive the laying on of hands from the clergy and specially trained laity.

Junior Church heard how when John baptised Jesus the Holy Spirit came to help him, as one child put it, “do his job,” something that the same Spirit helps us to do.