APOSTOLIC CHURCH, THOMAS STREET: This week marks the start of the third Alpha Course which will begin at 12.30pm on Thursday and will continue for eight weeks. A light lunch will be provided, followed by a talk and discussion, ending at 2pm. Over two million people in the UK and 11 million worldwide have now attended an Alpha course, which is an opportunity to explore the meaning of life and the Christian Faith.

The Nurture Group meets on Tuesday morning at 10am in the home of Eunice Thomas. It is an informal discussion group. The Mums and Toddlers Group meets at 10am every Thursday in the church and a prayer meeting takes place every Thursday evening at 7.30pm.

Activities for older children take place on Friday evenings. The Rock Solid Group (5–11) meets at 5.45pm and the Wavelength Group (11 upwards) meets at 7.30pm.

On Saturday a coffee morning will take place in the church from 10.30am to 12 noon, the proceeds are used for the education of an orphan in Zambia.

In the Sunday morning service Pastor Glen Chaplin spoke on the Epistle of James Chapter 1 v 19-27 which begins “let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger”. It is essential to listen to God’s Word, to act on it and to be obedient to God. A true follower of Jesus possesses self-control, cares for others and remains separate from the evils in the world.

In the evening service Keith Sholl spoke on the difference that listening to God’s word makes in life. Proverbs 3, v 5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths”. Keith gave examples from his own life, which had proven God’s Plan is always best for us.

On Sunday the speaker at the morning service at 10.45am is Pastor Glen Chaplin. At the evening service at 5pm the speakers will be Peter and Louise Curtis.