A freight will be collecting 200 shelterboxes from the Helston-based aid charity this morning, which will be sent to help some of the estimated £50,000 people in Gaza made homeless by the current conflict.

The UN has upgraded the need for shelter, tools, blankets and sleeping bags from priority four to priority one, with at least 4,000 buildings destroyed and 20,000 severely damaged.

ShelterBox volunteers have packed 200 boxes to sent immediately to Gaza. In Beit Lahia, one of the worst hit areas north of Gaza City, there are only believed to be 100 tents available yet the need there alone is for 1,000.

Information about the requirements for shelter on the ground is yet to come through for many other areas including more than half of Gaza City.

Early indications are that aid is being allowed into the area, despite the fighting resuming on Tuesday following last week’s cease-fires.