A CONFERENCE to address the issue of affordable housing in Cornwall has been organised by Falmouth Churches Together and the Cornwall Independent Poverty Forum.

Tickets for the event on Wednesday, September 6, are limited to 100 but when they have been allocated to the churches together group there should be some left for the general public.

The speakers will include local MP Julia Goldsworthy, Elinor Goodman, chair of the Cornwall Independent Poverty Forum and Teresa Butchers, chair of Devon and Cornwall Housing Association.

Questions will be taken from the floor. Potential first time buyers will also share their experiences with the audience The conference is hoping to highlight the issues and then try and persuade elected politicians to take action.

Remaining tickets for the conference are free and available from Mrs Christine Davies on 01326 314275.

Rev Stephen Tudgey, parish priest for King Charles church said: "We want to highlight the need for more affordable housing in Falmouth and Cornwall and for the Government to take the issue forward by providing more affordable homes. These are big issues.