A businessman whose face had to be reconstructed with metal plates following a vicious attack in Falmouth town centre has thanked all the people who helped him on the night of the incident.

Paul Rutter, 41, a Falmouth joiner who runs three local businesses, had been enjoying an night out with his wife when he was assaulted in Killigrew Street in the early hours of Sunday, September 25.

He was left unconscious with multiple fractures. Doctors at the Royal Cornwall Hospital, Treliske, had to use titanium plates and screws to rebuild Mr Rutter’s cheekbones and nose.

The attack has left him without any feeling in the upper part of his face and having to eat puréed food.

Mr Rutter has praised the professionalism of the surgeon and staff of the Wheal Coates ward at the Royal Cornwall Hospital and the people who helped him on the night of the attack.

“After I was knocked unconscious I don’t remember much,” he said. “I was entirely at the mercy of the people around me and I just want to say a huge thank you to the people who stepped in – including door staff at Remedies nightclub.

“Without their help, calling an ambulance and looking after me, I don’t know what would have happened to me."

Police are still seeking witnesses to the incident, which took place in the busy town centre street as many were making their way home from a night out.

They are particularly keen to trace a woman, believed to be a student nurse, who was involved in an initial argument and who later helped the unconscious victim.

Witnesses are asked to contact DC Alan Jordan on 01326 213444 or email 14860@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk.

*A 21-year-old man from Truro was arrested in connection with the assault on Monday. He has been bailed to return to Camborne police station on December 6.