The 240 metre long Hong Kong registered tanker Seatransport, 106,300 tons, berthed at the docks yesterday morning for repairs to collision damage to her stern, sustained when she collided with a fishing vessel off Milford Haven.

Fully loaded with 90,000 tones of crude oil loaded at Sullom Voe, Shetland Islands, Seatransport collided with the Belgian fishing vessel Deborah, 14 miles off Milford Haven.

Milford Haven Port Authority said nobody was injured and no pollution resulted from last Wednesday's incident.

Port authority representatives made an in depth survey of the ship before she was allowed to berth at the south Wales oil terminal to discharge her cargo.

It is understood that the tanker sustained damage to her hull 3 metres above the waterline well away from any oil tanks.

Falmouth pilots and the Falmouth docks marine operations manager Captain Tony Lowe carried out a special category risk assessment before the go ahead was given by harbour master Captain Mark Sansom for the tanker’s entry into Falmouth for repairs.