Falmouth Town Councillor Jenny Booth has been suspended from the authority for a month after a standards hearing on Monday.

A statement released by Cornwall Council confirmed the decision, saying the disciplinary action had been taken for ‘breaching the code of conduct for Falmouth Town Council by failing to treat the clerk and the council with respect and for bringing her office and authority into disrepute’.

Councillor Booth told the Packet: “The hearing revolved around me speaking for the defence at the tribunal of the council’s former assistant clerk after I had been advised not to attend the hearing.

“However, I had been requested to attend by his legal representative, and told that if I didn’t go along I would be summonsed.

“It left me stuck between a rock and a hard place.

“I accept the decision of Monday’s hearing, and will be off for one month, but will return to my duties as soon as my suspension is over.”

Mrs Booth is the second councillor suspended from Falmouth Town Council in recent months after Diana Merrett was banned for two months after facing similar charges at a hearing in October last year.