President for the day was Des Moore, who welcomed the speaker, Phil Brown and his wife from Newquay and visitors from Spalding.

In the afternoon Phil looked at all three Bible readings for the day. First, the story of Samuel who was dedicated to God from birth and was called by God at an early age. Phil asked if we listened when God called us through His word and displayed our faith to others. In the Isaiah reading Phil reminded his listeners of the fulfilment of the prophecies about Jesus when Isaiah was passing on the message of Jesus Christ being a light to all nations. Isaiah was tried and tested and God is still open to our prayers today. In the Revelation reading Phil suggested that the visions were confirming God’s salvation through Jesus to all nations.

After sharing tea Phil set out to show the New Testament in the Old. They cannot be separated as they often are today as the whole Bible is the inspired word of God. Phil looked at all the references in the New Testament which were directly linked to the Old by the quotations from it used by Jesus and the gospel writers. Phil gave a convincing illustrated talk showing that the whole Bible is a book to be trusted.

All visitors are welcome to the Bible class on Thursday in the Christadelphian Hall, Church Row at 7.30pm when Tim Halstead from Spalding will talk about Caesarea in the 1st century.